King of the Neighborhood (Coach Dave)
Yellow pants yellow jacket
Bumblebee on a bike
King of the neighborhood
Haunts the park at dawn each day
McDonalds coffee and an eggamuff
Waiting for the sunrise
At the shelter on the bluff above the Mississippi below
Knows everyone and is known by all
Yellow pants yellow jacket
Bumblebee on a bike
King of the neighborhood
On to the Y – routine the same
Greetings to all and a story to tell
About the sunrise about the eagles about everything
Later to Hubbles for a few beers
And the denizens of downtown
Yellow pants yellow jacket
Bumblebee on a bike
Home up the hill on wobbly legs
Waiting wife and supper and the six o’clock news
Off to bed and another dawn
Yellow pants yellow jacket
Bumblebee on a bike
He’s the king of the neighborhood.
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